Who Lets The Dogs Out?


Nothing is better than watching your adorable dog enjoy the breeze out of the window during a car ride on a sunny day. But what happens when you reach your destination and can’t bring your dog with you? If your answer is to leave the dog in the car you could come back to a broken window and without a dog.

New legislature in California, championed by Assemblyman Marc Steinorth (R), would allow a passersby to release any dog trapped in a hot car without penalty. Dogs can be harmed by high temperatures in as little as 15 minutes, so no “quick errand” is safe from this scenario. Just watch Steinorth and pals attempt the “Hot Car Challenge” below. Only minutes into the challenge, it’s obvious why this situation is so dangerous.

As the founder of a website devoted to guarding against dogs overheating in cars, Sharie Lesniak is accustomed to explaining the law against endangering animals by leaving them in hot vehicles.

“A dog can go into organ failure and brain damage within 15 minutes,” Lesniak said. “So it is something to know you can do something if they don’t get there in time.”

You can learn more about the bill and take the “Cool Dog Pledge” at My Dog Is Cool. Spread the word and help save a few furry friends along the way!

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