How to Calculate Child Support

When facing a divorce, supporting the children affected is vital. Unfortunately, the process of calculating child support is often overwhelming and confusing. It’s easy to get frustrated and lost in the shuffle of things. The formula used to generate payments seems foreign and confusing. However, every case is decided by using the same formula. This process determines how much one party pays and how much the other party receives. In every unique situation, knowing the basics used to calculate child support helps reassure of what lies ahead. This article seeks to help you gain some peace of mind regarding decisions for your child by discussing the calculation process of child support.

Child Support Varies

Each state has their own guidelines for calculating child support. Specifics can differ so it’s best to find what they might be. Generally, each state uses the same algebraic equation to simplify things as much as possible. The California child support calculation guidelines take into account two things: the disparity of income between parents and the disparity of timeshare. The greater the difference between each parent’s income leads to a higher support obligation of the paying party. It also takes into account parent spending. The greater the difference in the amount each parent spends on the child, the higher the child support obligation.

The Factors

Understanding the equation is less important than understanding the factors that go into it. The major variables taken into account include the following:

In addition to these variables, other information may be submitted, such as hardship information or job-related expenses. However, this information may not be applicable to all cases. Therefore, only the major factor information is taken from each parent. Other possible variables include deductions. These are often taken into consideration if you are paying child support to a non-affiliated parent. This includes payment for another child, property taxes, required union dues, mortgage interest and spousal support paid to the parent within the relationship being considered.


Accessing helpful resources is crucial in understanding how your specific case of child support will be calculated. The State of California offers citizens an online calculator that implements its guidelines. It gives parents estimates of what they could be paying or receiving.

Having an experienced attorney on your side is the most important decision you can make when going through child support proceedings. Seek out the proper guidance and the counsel of an attorney to help clear up child support calculations. Contact Torigian Law today, we can help you take the guesswork out of your child support calculations.

Marcus Torigian Can Help.
If you have outstanding child support issues, call Torigian Law today at 559-627-5399.

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